Right Returns was founded in 2000 because while there was a lot of talent representing product vendors (such as Mutual Funds, Banks and Insurance Companies) there was none to represent the consumer of these products. We represented and got paid directly by clients way back in 2000 when Financial Planning as well as Fiduciary Interest were terms unheard of, not only to consumers but to the industry at large.
We are a boutique practice and our size is by choice not chance. We believe this design allows for more effective delivery as well as implementation of advice. It allows each one of us to be aware of the direct impact of our work on our clients. It also lends itself to more personal accountability, client involvement and the satisfaction of serving clients.
Every member of the team is multi-faceted but we tend to develop complimentary pockets of specialization. That way we always have something left to learn from each other. As a team we understand that there are no final answers but we can help get good answers and there is always something more for us to find out.
Right Returns Financial Planning is one of India’s pioneering financial planning practices. We love our work and camaraderie as much as we appriciate the love, respect and trust we receive from those we interact with.
We always endeavor to build complementary areas of specialization so that we can learn from one another.
Right Returns was founded in 2000 to represent the consumer of financial product vendors, at a time when financial planning and fiduciary interest were unfamiliar phrases.
Our small firm allows us to focus on advising while also encouraging personal accountability and client involvement.