Author: RightAdmin

What at first glance sounds simplistic, can be very difficult to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Take the example of planning an international trip and specifically booking a flight. Our Travel agent works with us to help us articulate the dates, the cities we...

Considering the huge amount of information that big fund managers and equity analysts gather, it is not surprising that they have so much confidence at predicting what is going to happen! Luckily for us, the future is not determined by confidence.😊There is one and only...

How to predict the stock MarketIt’s not just newbies to investing, but also experienced consumers of personal finance, who want to find out the secret method that wealthy people are using, to know where the market will be tomorrow. The media too is awash with...

My mother called me a Prince.But when I go to a car showroom, they treat me like a King! Isn’t that wonderful? In the age of free markets and shareholder rights, Customer is King and Greed is good. If this isn’t Utopia, what is?!?!Not until...

So many people cringe at the possibility of low returns. Especially at times when the stock markets are booming. Without blinking we say that we are fine with the possibility of negative returns, but are not ok with low returns
.Duh!!It’s simple first grader math actually....

We always cherish those relationships the most, which give us freedom and love, without any expectations. But sometimes we ourselves start expecting freedom and love from those relationships, unconsciously recreating that very relationship which we detest!Oftentimes I see a very very similar thing happening to...

The correct question to ask is “Does the Income I generate justify the amount of taxes I am paying?”Because the bottom line is quite simple and straightforward – if we are going to have an income, we are going to have to pay taxes.Our endeavor...

Purpose and outcome are two very different things.Purpose can be to love someone, outcome can be to be loved in return;Purpose can be to express through art, outcome can be recognition and appreciation;Purpose can be to serve someone, outcome can be a financial reward;Purpose can...

We have seen it happen in offices as much as we have seen it happen in joint families. The person who cannot say no to taking on work, gets so overburdened with everyone’s work, that it renders her or him quite unproductive.And I have seen...

The Prices of everything have gone through the roof everywhere in the world. On the top of that we have the Russia-Ukraine conflict which promises to further impact the supply of oil AND wheat. That’s a lot of uncertainty! The war, the inflation, the rising...